Through the 20th century, several riders would uphold the tradition and pride of Harley-Davidson Racing, but the man who laid the groundwork for it all was Joe Petrali."Every sport has had its legendary heroes," said Jackson. "The sport of motorcycle racing had its own hero, Joe Petrali, a star whose championship performances have never been matched and not even approached."In a six-year stretch between 1931 and 1936, Petrali amassed the most National points five times. In 1935, perhaps his best season, he won every race on the 13-stop National schedule. In 1937, Petrali set a speed record of 136.183 mph by piloting the 1937 Model E 61 cu. in. V-Twin Streamliner at Daytona Beach. He also won the National Hillclimb Championship eight years running, beginning in 1929.
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